In my never-ending quest to eat more meals composed primarily of fat, this evening we had opportunity to enjoy the first installment of a gift of six months of cheese from Murray's in NYC. Mr. Gateau's father and stepmother gave us this gift last year as well, and it was the highlight of the year.
Last year we ended up attacking each package ourselves, and while the cheese is always exquisite, it was frankly hard to use it all up before the remnants became sub-optimal. This year, we've decided to share the joy and use each delivery as an excuse to have friends over. This evening we invited a family in our neighborhood with kids roughly the age of ours -- their boy and Young Master Gateau were in preschool together, and are "best friends" as far as kids their age can conceive of the term. The parents are fast becoming close friends, the kind of people you can call at the last minute to get together for a cookout or something, and they share their stash of Chilean hot sauce with generosity.
While the kids ran around screaming and periodically snatching hunks of baguette and apples off the cheese board, we sampled two Vermont cheeses (a lightly pasteurized goat and a raw cow) and an aged French goat, along with several baguettes, crackers, apples, grapes, a roasted pepper-goat cheese-herb spread, lemon-marinated olives, and oh yes, two bottles of white wine. I'll post the cheese details when I have recovered somewhat, but it was all delectable. This kind of picnic in the living room is pretty much my favorite way to eat dinner, and it was especially nice to share it with friends.
Miss Cake will be up next month, so watch out.
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